Making Appeals Work
Case Law Pack
First Edition - October 2016

Making Appeals Work - Case Law Pack
First Edition - October 2016
Tribunal Procedure and Practice

This is a good investment for any organisation undertaking First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal work. Although this publication was last produced in 2016 the case law covered is still extremely relevant to the operation of the bringing and hearing of Social Security benefit appeals before the First-tier Tribunal and Upper Tribunal.

The topics covered include:

  • postponements and adjournments
  • approach to cases where the claimant is unable to attend appeal hearing
  • when there is a requirement for an oral hearing as opposed to a paper hearing
  • the extent of the inquisitorial function of a First-tier Tribunal
  • what may constitute evidence, conflicting evidence, standards of evidence and burden of proof
  • claimant credibility and demeanour
  • use of tribunals “on the day” observations
  • adverse decisions - removing an award which is not the subject of the appeal
  • role of the representative and representative evidence
  • role of the Presenting Officer
  • use of interpreters and interpreters competence
  • statement of reasons - adequacy, omissions and delays
  • what constitutes an error of law

This publication may be purchased in:

  •    £49.50 - electronic (USB stick) format

This publication is no longer available in paper format. Those purchasing a copy in electronic format will find included on the USB stick an electronic copy of all the case law decisions summarised within the publication.

The price includes postage and packaging to mainland UK and Northern Ireland. Orders for the publication may be made through MNP Training by email Please provide company details and the desired delivery address when ordering. An invoice will be dispatched following any email order.

This publication should prove to be an invaluable resource to both new and seasoned advisers undertaking appeals before the First-tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal.

This publication has two case law tables to assist readers to research and locate decisions and judgements. One, lists case law according to topic. The other provides a chronologically ordered reference table enabling case law to be located according to designation.