MNP Training
127 Tamworth Road,
Sutton Coldfield,
B75 6DZ
Tel: 07725 137973
This should prove to be an excellent buy for any organisation providing advice and information surrounding Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Attendance Allowance (AA). The publication contains a digest of case law decisions of Social Security Commissioners/the Upper Tribunal and judgements made by superior courts surrounding the correct approach to the ‘care component’ and ‘mobility component’ assessments.
Whilst this publication was last produced in October 2017 an updated Addendum accompanies each purchase which provides a summary of the key case law which has developed since its publication date.
It may be purchased in:
This publication is no longer available in paper format. Those purchasing a copy in electronic format will find included on the USB stick an electronic copy of all the case law decisions summarised within the publication.
The price includes postage and packaging to mainland UK and Northern Ireland. Orders for the publication may be made through MNP Training by email Please provide company details and the desired delivery address when ordering. An invoice will be dispatched following any email order.
This publication should prove to be an invaluable resource to both new and seasoned advisers charged with providing information and advice on Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Attendance Allowance (AA).
This publication has two case law tables to assist readers to research and locate decisions and judgements. One, lists case law according to topic. The other provides a chronologically ordered reference table enabling case law to be located according to designation.